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ACE Update: September 7th-10th

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”― Isaac Newton

Hello ACE Students, Parents & Staff,

Welcome back! We have some exciting things planned for ACE students & we as a staff are looking forward to the year ahead. 

Here are a few things that could be helpful:

  1. COVID UPDATE: Please see below for the updated temporary COVID restrictions. 
  2. CAREER COUNSELLING: If you would like to explore your post secondary options or get information on Student scholarships and or loans, you can book an appointment with Garth. Ask Shannon for more information.
  3. CAREER CORNER: Visit the career corner for advice & resources for all your grad & post secondary questions! Can't find what you're looking for? Contact one of the counselors for a one-on-one meeting!
  4. ATTN HIGH SCHOOL: Do you have a "mypass" account? If you answered no to that question, then you need to TAKE ACTION!!! Follow the link to create an account. PRO-TIP: DO NOT use your school email. A "mypass" account will allow you to see all your high school achievements, from marks to credits earned. If you are struggling, let Shannon know & she will help you out!
  5. ACE HOURS: Many parents and students have been asking about our hours. The school doors are open from 8am-4pm, however, occasionally those hours may be shorter if only one staff member is in the building. School hours are from 9am-3pm, Monday to Thursday, and from 9am-Noon on Fridays. Lunch is from 12-12:45pm daily. Keep an eye on our calendar for any changes and of course holidays and PD etc.


ACE UPDATE September 7-10th:

Monday, Septmeber 6th: NO SCHOOL!

Tuesday, September 7th:

  • PE: Community Garden. Please be at ACE by 9:30am.
  • Hot Lunch: Hot dogs

Wednesday, September 8th:

Thursday, September 9th:

  • SR.High Camp Out-This is a two day trip(Sept 9-10) for our Sr.High students, only! Permission forms are at the front desk with Shannon.

Friday, September 10th: 

  • SR.High- Return back to ACE from camping trip by noon.








The following provincial measures take effect on September 4th at 8:00am:

Provincial Masking Requirements

  • Masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces and workplaces.
  • Employees must mask in all indoor work settings, except in workstations.
  • Schools are not required to implement masking, but school boards will continue to set COVID-19 management policies as they deem appropriate.
  • Medical mask exceptions letter, from an authorized health professional will be required for those seeking a medical exemption as per Government of Alberta guidelines.
  • Masks are mandated on all school buses for all students

What this means for Horizon

  •      Masking is strongly recommended (but not mandated) for all staff and students in school common areas, or where social distancing is not possible.
  • Masks will be mandatory for all bus students, including kindergarten to gr. 4 students while riding a bus.
  • Masks will be mandatory at Division Office and Maintenance Office, except when staff are in workstations, as they are not included within the “school” exemption.
  • Masks will be mandatory for visitors, including parents, who enter Horizon schools, division office and the maintenance office  as they are entering an indoor public space and are not included within the provincial “school” exemption.


Provincial Social Gatherings Restrictions

  • Albertans are encouraged to limit in-person contacts.
  • Unvaccinated Albertans are strongly recommended to limit indoor social gatherings to close contacts of only 2 cohort families up to a maximum of 10 people.

What this means for Horizon

  • Schools shall postpone indoor public events (social gatherings with parents and/or the general public).  E.g. “indoor” welcome back BBQs, spectators for “indoor” extra-curricular events, and “indoor” public assemblies and/or events).

o   Outdoor public events may continue, but attendees must comply with provincial health restrictions.

o   Schools may continue with indoor extra-curricular events, but spectators are not allowed at indoor practices, games, or other indoor events.

  • Schools are encouraged to limit indoor school wide student events. E.g. school wide student assemblies).

o   Outdoor school wide student events may continue, but attendees must comply with provincial health restrictions.

  • Parents may continue to access the school building for individual purposes. E.g. dropping their children off, student programming meetings, paying school fees, but must be masked.
  • School and division meetings shall have the option for people to participate virtually. E.g. board meetings, administrator meetings, learning support teacher meetings, staff meetings, professional learning events for staff, school council meetings, parent-teacher meetings.


Working from Home Recommendations

  • Employers are recommended to continue work-from-home measures where possible, and to pause or revert plans to have staff return to work.

What this means for Horizon

  • Work from home option is not available while schools are operational. Individuals requesting unpaid leaves to deal with personal matters may contact our human service department


Provincial Isolation and Quarantine Requirements

  • Isolation is still legally required for people who have COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive.
  • Quarantine is no longer legally required for close contacts positive cases, unless directed to do so by local public health officials.

What this means for Horizon

  • Individuals (parents, students, and staff) shall continue with daily self screening, and remain home when sick (when they have COVID-19 symptoms) or test positive for COVID.
  • Staff directed to quarantine by public health should use one of the following absence codes ("sick" – if symptomatic/positive, "COVID not sick" – when directed to isolate by a public health official).


Additional measures

  • Hand sanitizer will continue to be available at schools
  • Schools will continue to encourage good hand hygiene (e.g. washing hands) and good respiratory etiquette (e.g. covering coughs and sneezes)


As per the August 20, 2021 letter to parents and staff, should schools see an increase in absence due to illness, Horizon will work with local public health officials and implement additional measures such as mandatory masking and other health requirements as determined by public health.


If you made it this far, thank you! 

See you all at ACE!




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